4-year old Florence from Chicago helps victims of Florence
Now this is a Florence we can all support!… Continue Reading

Waffle House CEO Personally Overseeing Hurricane Florence Recovery
What defines a great leader? One trait is to never ask something of your employees that you aren’t willing to do yourself.… Continue Reading

WATCH: Islands of Fire Ants float through Flood Waters
As if the flooding wasn’t bad enough….… Continue Reading

Florence dropped 8 trillion gallons of rain on NC
According to the National Weather Service, Hurricane Florence dropped 8.04 TRILLION Gallons of rain on NC.… Continue Reading

One Tree Hill, Dawson’s Creek Stars Support Wilmington following Florence
Wilmington became a second home for many of the stars of One Tree Hill and Dawson’s Creek… Continue Reading

How to Apply for FEMA Assistance
Homeowners, renters and business owners in Bladen, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Lenoir, Jones, Robeson, Sampson and Wayne counties may now apply for federal disaster assistance for uninsured and underinsured damages and losses resulting from Hurricane Florence.… Continue Reading

More than 500 reports of Price Gouging in NC after Florence
Beware of price gouging!… Continue Reading

Gov. Cooper asks Wilmington and other Coastal Evacuees – “Be Safe and Wait This Out”
As flood waters continue to rise, one message is clear – if you’ve evacuated, don’t go home yet!… Continue Reading

Garner Chick-fil-A opened on SUNDAY to feed Florence evacuees
Yes, you read that right – a Chick-fil-A was open on Sunday!… Continue Reading

Pics and Video: Flood Waters Rise Across the Carolinas
As rivers continue to rise and crest, flooding continues to worsen across the state.… Continue Reading