Looking for a New Job? Check out the Live Nation Job Fair!
Live Nation is hiring team members for the 2019 concert season!… Continue Reading

Watch: Dad creates snowmobile from a sled and leaf blowers
Lol! How creative!… Continue Reading

Is That the Moon? Nope, That’s Spinning Ice!
Whoa, this so cool!… Continue Reading

You Can Seriously Buy a 27-Pound Tub Of Mac And Cheese at Costco
And it’s sold out!… Continue Reading

Study finds Young People Want Their Ashes to be turned into a Record after Death
Would you want to become a record after you pass?… Continue Reading

Watch: Skateboarder Films Himself by Using His Dog
This dog is one good boy!… Continue Reading

Pulse FM Weekender: January 18th-20th
Friday, January 18, to Sunday, January 20 Third Friday Durham Friday, January 18 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Downtown Durham The third Friday of every month, galleries in downtown Durham host exhibit openings. Besides the receptions, you’ll also find lots of musicians busking outside, and there will be lots of special deals at restaurants too.…… Continue Reading

Toto’s ‘Africa’ plans to play ‘for eternity’ in Namibia desert
‘Africa’ will live on in Africa.… Continue Reading

North Carolina’s Most Binged Netflix TV Show
The average Netflix user spends 10 hours per week using the platform — a modest average at best — but what show is North Carolina binging the most?… Continue Reading