90% of married people say this more than single people. What is it? Answer: “I’m sorry”… Continue Reading
90% of married people say this more than single people. What is it? Answer: “I’m sorry”… Continue Reading
The average woman spends 6 minutes per day doing this. What is it? First Clue: Men don’t do it Extra Clue: Happens mostly at night before bed or after a long day Answer: Removing makeup and/or skincare products… Continue Reading
25% of pets have done this. What is it? Clue: Humans do it too Answer: Go on a diet/dieting… Continue Reading
Women say their man cooks this better than them. What is it? Clue: Italian Answer: Spaghetti… Continue Reading
QUESTION: Women say this is the most embarrassing and difficult thing they have to tell a guy on a first date… CLUE: It has to do with him not the girl. CLUE: Wardrobe ANSWER: Telling him that his fly is open.… Continue Reading
Most people would give up this for a whole year to not lose internet, what do you think it could be? Clue: Not coffee Final Clue: Do it everyday Answer: Showering/bathing… Continue Reading
What is the one word that you see in an online dating message or app that makes you say NOPE! Not reading the rest of this message? Extra Clue: Not offensive Extra Clue: Starts with the letter H Final Clue: Greeting Answer: Howdy… Continue Reading
25% of women are turned off when a man does this. What is it? Extra Clue: Quickly noticeable Extra Clue: Could be seen on an MTV show Final Clue: CAB’S HERE! Answer: Too much tanning/over using the tanning bed… Continue Reading
90% of women compared to 60% of men know how to do this specific thing in the kitchen better. What is it? Clue: Not cooking Answer: Bake… Continue Reading
The average person does this 100 times a day. What is it? Answer: Check the time… Continue Reading