The average person does this 80 times a day. What is it? Answer: Unlocks their phone 80 times a day.… Continue Reading
The average person does this 80 times a day. What is it? Answer: Unlocks their phone 80 times a day.… Continue Reading
50% of women hide this from their partner. What is it? Answer: Their true dress size/pants size.… Continue Reading
20% of job applicants have lied about this. What is it? Answer: Awards they have won… Continue Reading
11% of parents will buy this while back to school shopping. What is it? Answer: Rolling backpack… Continue Reading
12% of men do this before a date. What is it? Answer: Wash their car… Continue Reading
35% of people wouldn’t give someone a second date if they did this. What is it? Answer: If they wore a scent or fragrance… Continue Reading
7% of people drive their partner nuts by doing this 21 or more times per day. What is it? Answer: Opening their fridge… Continue Reading
14% of people have checked their Facebook account while doing this. What is it? Answer: Attending a Funeral… Continue Reading
36% of women say this reflects a potential partner’s financial standing. What is it? Answer: Leather… Continue Reading
It takes the average man until the age of 24 to learn how to properly do this. What is it? Answer: Operate a washing machine… Continue Reading