7% of people would rather watch this than listen to holiday music. What is it? Clue: in the Fall (November) Answer: Political ads on TV… Continue Reading
7% of people would rather watch this than listen to holiday music. What is it? Clue: in the Fall (November) Answer: Political ads on TV… Continue Reading
50% of people don’t wash this at home. What is it? Answer: Produce or veggies… Continue Reading
33% of people have secretly done this at work. What is it? Answer: Steal a co-worker’s food/lunch… Continue Reading
6% of men have done this before a date. What is it? Extra Clue: We mentioned something about it yesterday Answer: Trimming or shaved their butt hairs… Continue Reading
94% of men don’t know that their partner does this. What is it? Clue: Nothing to do with shopping Extra Clue: Some women might get embarrassed by it Answer: Wax or bleach mustache/upper lip area… Continue Reading
26% of women say this is the thing they dislike the most about sleeping with their partner. What is it? Clue: Not snoring Answer: He sweats in bed… Continue Reading
The most popular online dating profiles have this. What is it? Clue: It is not any kind of picture Answer: Proper grammar in their profile/about me section… Continue Reading
15% of hiring managers say a female employee or applicant, who has this is a party animal. What is it? Clue: Appearance Answer: Smudged mascara… Continue Reading
14% of college freshman don’t know how to do this. What is it? Clue: Nothing to do with their laundry Answer: Boil an egg… Continue Reading
68% of people would rather dump their partner than stop eating this. What is it? Answer: Bacon… Continue Reading