My New Girl fans: I found an actual explanation of how to play their drinking game True American!!!
It’s perfect for 4th of July and I’m posting it now bc omg there’s a million rules and it’ll take me until then to learn it lol
-Everything said in the game is a lie, unless the person speaking knocks on wood.
-If you are caught with an empty beer for longer than one turn, you lose
-If you are caught in the lava, you lose
-You can re-enter the game by shotgunning a pawn from the other team
-Piggyback whenever you can (partners can advance together)
-TEQUILA BREAK: at any point during the game, any player can yell “WE DON’T CROSS THE BORDER, THE BORDER CROSSED US” and each player can move around, but must take a shot of tequila
-When a player yells “ALL TRASH” every player must yell “BELONGS IN THE JUNKYARD” and stop to look for empty cans. All empty cans then get thrown in the pre-determined “junk yard”
-Anytime a player yells “RUSHMORE”, every player must freeze until another player can state a line from the Phi Mu Creed
HOLY RULES. If we all study now, we can play by 4th of July. Who’s in?!