Timone is a mature 5 year old-with a beautiful caramel coat-standing tall-reminding you of the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed. He is in good physical condition at 77 pounds, knows sit, takes treats with a gentle mouth, and has very good leash manners.
He has no reactivity walking in or out of the kennels past the other dogs, but he will sometimes bark at others when outside. He is most comfortable in his kennel, sitting quietly, waiting for his turn to go out for a walk and potty.
Timone has a very gentle spirit–he is a mature, beautiful dog, who would love to go home with his family. During playgroups, performed like a silly wild bronco, bucking around for fun. He was delighted to engage with another female and bounce around with her. Timone appropriately provided a correction to her when she was a little overzealous. He truly seemed to enjoy himself. Best match would be a tolerant, confident playful female.
If you’re interested in learning more about him, please reach out to our Volunteer Matchmakers at [email protected] with the subject line “Timone 251219”
Timone is up to date on vaccinations, flea/tick, and heartworm prevention, is microchipped, and will be neutered prior to going home. If you have dogs or cats, we recommend slow introductions over time. If you have children in your home, we recommend supervision between animals and children at all times.
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