The SPCA of Wake County needs your help to help pets displaced by Hurricane Florence!
The SPCA of Wake County is a local, independent, non-profit organization that receives no government funding or tax dollars. The SPCA of Wake County is not affiliated with, nor do we receive funding from the ASPCA in New York! They rely entirely on private donations – they work locally and we are supported locally!
Right now the SPCA of Wake County is working on two major efforts:
- Offer care and shelter to as many animals as possible.
- Act as a distribution hub for relief supplies including — vaccines, medicine and food being donated through national pharmaceutical and pet food companies
What they need the most:
- Donations of cash.
- Adopters for pets currently at the Pet Adoption Center.
Here is what the SPCA of Wake County is currently doing:
- They’ve pulled the remaining animals – 5 dogs and 15 cats – from the emergency shelter at the Fairgrounds. They are now at the SPCA of Wake County after an emergency rescue from the Carteret County Humane Society. These animals were pulled from the shelter in the middle of the Hurricane after part of the roof collapsed and kennels began to flood. Each is receiving life-saving medical care and lots of love. Two of the dogs have severe cases of heartworms and will start their treatment soon – Eagle is one of the dogs who will need this expensive treatment to save his life.
- Thanks to an incredible partnership with a national relief effort they are coordinating the distributions of pet vaccines and flea/tick prevention for thousands of animals after the storm. This is a crucial part of the response effort to prevent the spread of disease as people and pets are in concentrated areas and coming in contact with flood waters. Plus vaccines must be refrigerated so any of their rural shelter partners who lost power, also lost their vaccine supply.
- Their teams are connecting people and supplies. The SPCA is acting as a pipeline to connect volunteers and supplies where they are needed most.
- They’ve set up additional shelter space. Staff gave up their lunch table to turn the SPCA meeting and break room into a room for extra kennel space to house additional animals.
- They are Saving lives. While helping our neighbors to the east, they continue their daily work in the Triangle to save animals at risk of euthanasia. The SPCA of Wake County took in five dogs and four cats from the Wake County Animal Center in the last 2 days!
WHY money is the most needed item:
- They need cash to – for example – pay for all the extra gasoline tank fill-ups they are needing for transport vehicles to move animals back and forth. Buy cold storage to send vaccines east. Pay the extra electricity bill from running the extra refrigerators to store the 4,000 donated vaccines. All donations given here: will be directed to recovery efforts and our sheltering and animal care costs now and over the next few weeks.
- Why donating pet food (or other supply items) is not the best use of people’s charitable contributions right now. In this weather pet food spoils very quickly — so storing massive amounts of it end up wasting the food – and their temperature controlled space is limited. They will need to send food supplies to rural shelters but not now and they don’t know exactly when. Plus the SPCA’s national relief partnership allows them to request pet food from the manufacturers. Also, right now time is critical – They need to focus staff time on helping pets and people. Financial donations are the ONLY way we can make this rescue effort happen.
WHY adoptions are needed NOW:
Please open your home and heart to an animal right now from the SPCA of Wake County Pet Adoption Center (200 Petfinder Lane) and that will allow us to save even more animals in need of rescue.
If you are an organization needing help – please contact us at